Counter Intuitive Science

Heavy things fall as fast as light things. Solid objects are 99.9999% or more empty space. What we see as color is the reflection of light wavelengths.  Energy is mass and vice versa. It should matter not a jot or tittle what is true intuitively.  Skeptics know only what is shown and explained with models and […]

Evolution Led Us to Art and Science

Heavily edited and revised with many names removed for safety (mine) and some might not be in order of time. ME: It would seem that those calling themselves receptive skeptics might look for interesting turns and twists when looking at people who hold to theories of Intelligent Design.. My favorite is that view of the […]

RE Means Story Tellers

The human being is separate and superior to all other known creatures by reason of the story.  We are story tellers.  No other creature is a story teller. Our existence is defined by our stories.  The future of humanity is the rational thinker, but for now our stories are themselves the reason of being.  We […]

Opinions, Beliefs and Ignorance

If an opinion is wrong we can show that it is wrong. From the article: NO, IT’S NOT YOUR OPINION. YOU’RE JUST WRONG BY Jef Rouner: “Opinion, or worse “belief”, has become the shield of every poorly-conceived notion that worms its way onto social media. There’s a common conception that an opinion cannot be wrong.” One may […]

The Rational Virtual Reality

Picture all of the universe covered with dominoes that, as they fall over, another domino from behind stands it up.  In my brain it looks more like a slinky, but the dominos are a better representation for a switch, (on/off, yes/no, one/zero) as they fall down and stand up.  This is machine language, like the displays […]

Tautology and Necessary Truth

Proof of Rational Existence is tautology: RE is the idea that ideas have a rational existence.  It is not possible to acknowledge the existence of any word or thought without acknowledging RE. If a tree falls in the woods there is no existence of the action if there are no beings in the universe which understand […]


Acceptance of Rational Existence is acceptance that the basis of humanity is rational and further that our rationality has existence.  It is a simple idea that goes to the foundation of all thought and all understanding.  RE calls on us to examine what it means to exist but does not concern itself with qualifying or otherwise defining existence.  […]

Start Here

The importance of Rational Existence and the ideological change that will overcome those who newly understand the principle is impossible to overstate.  It is opening one’s eyes to the universe as personal experience and not as it was explained. Existence, our own or that which is around us, can only by be seen by association.  […]